Waiting for the sun

When I rise in the morning, the first thing I do is walk around our flat and look out of the windows to see which of the jackdaws who live in the neighbouring chimneys are up and what the sun is doing.  On Saturday, the sun hadn’t risen yet and Venus shone brightly in the East.

Morning Star

Over the tops of the houses, I could see that the fields between Moretonhampstead and the distant hills were filled with a heavy mist.  It looked amazing, but I didn’t fancy getting dressed and going out into it.

Providence intervened, however.  Steve’s car had broken down on the motorway the night before and he was given a loaner car to drive home.  He was sleeping in, so I decided to go out to the parking lot and get a ticket for his car.  I was still in my silk and wool pj’s and sequined slippers and grabbed my knee-length sheepskin gilet to keep the cold off of my core.  I also grabbed my Canon G12!  After I bought the parking ticket, I walked three minutes to the edge of my town and down a country lane.  My hands were freezing, but the rest of me was warm enough.  I met quite a few dog walkers.  Dressed as I was, I couldn’t climb over any fences or wade through ankle-deep wet leaves, but I wandered into a couple of fields and took many photos along the hedgerows.

I met cows in a field

and a spider on her web.

I adjusted the levels on this one to make the web pop.

I also walked a way down the new cycle path towards Lustleigh.

Nettle flowers


Cow Parsley

By the time I had turned back and was nearly in town again, the sun had risen above the mist.  I paused next to a lichen covered granite barn to bask in the warmth.

There is nothing like the sun, making its presence known throughout the sky.