Many homes

You may have thought that I disappeared off to America for good, but no. I have been and gone and now returned to my home on Dartmoor in the UK. We got back at the end of August. I am still processing what it means to me to have put my feet on the ground in the Homelands of my Mvskoke ancestors (now Alabama) and to have visited the current home of the Muscogee Nation in Okmulgee, Oklahoma.

First American Museum, Oklahoma City, OK

Little Red Stick and I visited the amazing First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City, OK where we found our place on a huge map of Indian Territory/Oklahoma where citizens from all 39 Native American Tribes and Nations now based there can find our spot.

We had visited the Muscogee Nation in Okmulgee, Oklahoma a couple of weeks previously. I am itching to go back and spend more time where my Nation is now based at different times of the year and involve myself in Mvskoke cultural activities.

But by far the most moving and grounding experience of this trip was standing on the land where my Mvskoke ancestors lived before Removal to Indian Territory. in the mid-1830s.

I’ve worked with this place on maps for so many years. It was so grounding to stand there on my own two feet.

Six Towns Held by River Spirit, 2018
Red Stick Leads Us Home, 2018

So I am processing this momentous journey. I’ve been feeling sort of torn up about wondering where Home is for me. But I have talked to one of my mentors about this and she reminded me that we can have more than one Home. I do know that wherever I am is Home and I am thinking and feeling my way into the possibility of a life in which I can have a Home base and satellite Homes that I can travel to and stay for a while.

One thought on “Many homes

  1. Very moving, So glad you were able to go back to your ancestors home. Land is a powerful connection. I went to French Camp in MS this past spring. I know now that it was a joyful place for my Choctaw-French family.

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