Honoring where I am

Every cloud has a silver lining.

I remind myself of this when I’m going through dark times.

I’m enjoying the mellow place where I’m currently residing.
Everything feels copacetic and there are no anxious corners. Everything feels in sync. I feel grounded and confident about being right where I am and following the trails opening before me.

I appreciate this time period because some strings of days l feel really unsure about everything. I doubt myself and question where I am, where I’ve been, where I’m going. Instead of feeling proud about my accomplishments, I look at all that I haven’t done.

I used to view and experience the uncertain times as ‘not good’ and the confident times as ‘good’. If only I could feel confident about myself all the time! But I am always changing. When I can be gentle with myself and give myself extra care and reassurance in the ‘down times’ they won’t affect me in the same way. Likewise, when I am in the ‘up times’ I can step forward into taking gentle risks such as downloading that application or looking into those new textile techniques that have been intriguing me.

I am always changing. I know I’ll feel that way again. And then I’ll feel this way again. The most important thing is to pay attention, to check in with myself, and to honor where I am.